Ed Cofrancesco (ED Co) Life Size Bobble

Since 1982, International Assets Advisory (IAA) has been guided by their vision to excel as a relationship-driven, comprehensive financial services platform. Leading the charge at IAA is Ed Cofrancesco, their President & CEO, commonly known as Ed Co.

When the team at IAA wanted to help Ed celebrate his 50th birthday in a big way, they contacted the folks at Life-Size Bobble to help create a larger than life bobblehead doll to be presented to Ed on his birthday.

The process is actually quite simple.  All we require is a good head shot and a suggested pose, then we go to work from there.  Most Life-Size Bobbles are delivered within 100 days.  You can literally wheel the bobble where you need it. Danny Baer – LifeSizeBobble.com

As you can see from the photos, the gift made a HUGE impression on this titan in the Investment Banking and Asset Management World.

If you are interested in a custom life size bobblehead for an important person in your organization, then contact us at 1 (888) 504-3200.

It does have a devilish grin doesn’t it? It’s good, it’s me!