Fan Favorite

Your frenzied fans will flock to wherever your life size bobble is,
just for the chance to see it in person.

Photo Ready

Both children and adults will line-up just for the chance
to have their photo taken with your life-sized bobble.

Traffic Magnet

Fan conventions, autograph signings and other events will never be the same
after your life size bobble makes an appearance.

Get Social

Enjoy free social media buzz as your fans share their photos with
their friends and family on Facebook, Twitter & Instagram.

Go Viral

Create a contest for your fans based upon your life size bobble and go viral
in the process.  Can you say #lifesizebobble ?

Sponsor Ready

Each life size bobble is sponsor ready.  Companies will beg you for
the chance to co-brand your bobble.

What they’re saying…..

The quality of the piece is truly awesome…Every one of our clients who has recently visited our office has left with a smile after seeing this tremendous life size bobblehead doll.

Everything’s great, they are getting a ton of attention and fans love them. Thanks for all the great work and we look forward to working with you again.